$676,667 Sheltering and feeding the homeless and impoverished of Lebanon County
$2,380,800 Case management per need for residents
$784,530 Long -term savings of moving men, women and children off public assistance programs toward self-sufficiency…becoming productive citizens
$23,320* GED program – increasing a person’s self-esteem, as well as earning potential and increased tax revenue on the local, state & federal level (*additional tax revenue on just 10 graduates a year)
$2,958,000 Lebanon Free Clinic providing healthcare to those who would otherwise have no other option but to be seen in the emergency room of the Good Samaritan Hospital (includes direct medical services, volunteer hours and medications). Preventive intervention verses full blown disease.
$1,449,000 Lebanon Rescue Mission operates without burden on federal, state or local tax funding (Annual operating budget of all three ministries)
Priceless Sheltering our nation’s veterans.
Priceless Requiring residents to live with accountability and responsibility verses taking social services, creating a drain on our County’s health & wellbeing.
Priceless Encouraging and enabling residents to reconcile with family, spouse, and children
Priceless Leading residents to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ…absolutely priceless!