Quarter 1 (1-3 Months)
The Chief Goal of Quarter 1: Men will adjust and settle into their new community. They will start to build their foundation in the Lord and learn new ways of relating to each other and life.
Quarter 1 Signposts & Objectives:
- Begin Blackout period of 30 days.
- Begin reading “Thru the Bible in a year” reading plan.
- Complete application & receive official acceptance into 12-month Life Change Program.
- Begin Case Management Sessions.
- Begin Tech/Ed classes.
- Become a registered patient at Lebanon Free Clinic set up by the Case Manager.
- Begin counseling thru the Lebanon Free Clinic.
- Receive assignment of a house chore & learn to serve others thru it.
- Learn to receive input from others.
- Learn to live in community.
- Learn to relate to other men with care and concern.
- Learn to share concerns and problems in constructive ways.
- Learn to be responsible with commitments.
- Learn that it is possible to live without escaping into addictive, compulsive behaviors.
- Learn the habits connected to good health and hygiene.
- Learn to experience God and keep Him first in your affections.
- Prove eligible after 30 days for: free time, 3 phone passes, & 1 two-hour pass.
Quarter 2 (4-6 Months)
The Chief Goal of Quarter 2: Men will learn to identify their false beliefs and begin to change their values based on the word of God.
Quarter 2 Signposts & Objectives:
- Maintain all goals set during Quarter 1.
- Have an established approved home church.
- Gain a clear understanding of the nature of addiction and growth.
- Learn to honestly evaluate personal choices.
- Learn to understand the impact of false beliefs on your choices.
- Learn conflict resolutions to help solve problems.
- Demonstrate the ability to live in community and experience relational closeness.
- Demonstrate a teachable spirit and a willingness to change.
- Demonstrate attendance consistency re: classes, church, task assignments, etc.
- Demonstrate concern for others in the community.
- Prove eligible for: 3 phone passes, free time, 1 two-hour pass & 1 four-hour pass.
Quarter 3 (7-9 Months)
The Chief Goal of Quarter 3: Men will continue to practice trusting their new beliefs.
Quarter 3 Signposts & Objectives:
- Maintain all goals set during quarters 1 & 2.
- Begin Budget Plan with Case Manager.
- Transition / Handoff case management from Case Manager to Transitional Living Coordinator.
- Finish Tech/Ed classes & complete Job Readiness program with outside consultant.
- Begin Mentor program & develop a deeper relationship with your mentor.
- Begin job search led by Transitional Living Coordinator.
- Secure a position & begin part-time employment.
- Demonstrate a Christ-like work ethic.
- Expand your outside support network.
Quarter 4 (10-12 Months)
The Chief Goal of Quarter 4: Men will begin to put their new beliefs and behaviors into practice in the workplace environment.
Quarter 4 Signposts & Objectives:
- Maintain all goals set during all previous program quarters.
- Transition from part-time employment to full time employment & career path.
- Continue case management with Transitional Living Coordinator.
- Open a bank account.
- Complete Budget Plan with Transitional Living Coordinator.
- Live within an approved budget.
- Start paying debts, fines or restitution owed.
- Begin saving for household startup and other expenses (Goal = $1500)
- Start faithfully attending recovery group meetings.
- Graduate the program & transition into the graduate housing.
Graduate Transition (13-18 Months)
The Chief Goal of Graduate Transition: Men will learn basic life-skills that will enable them to move on into a productive life outside the Lebanon Rescue Mission.
Graduate Transition Signposts & Objectives:
- Maintain fulltime work.
- Review Budget Plan (save $2500, live within your means, tithe)
- Maintain a healthy relationship with the Lord.
- Maintain a healthy relationship with others in the community.
- Maintain a healthy relationship with & become active in your home church.
- Maintain a heathy relationship with your mentor.
- Maintain weekly CR meeting attendance.
- Mentor back to men that are in the discipleship program.
- Develop further support systems.
- Prepare & transition out of graduate housing & into independent living.