For more information about The Lebanon Rescue Mission call us at: (717) 273.2301.

Legacy & Planned Giving

Leaving a Lasting Legacy…

A drop of water creates a ripple.The ripple effect of one life changed through Christ is enormous!  Family, friends, co-workers, church family, customers, neighbors, acquaintances, and fellow community members…will all be effected by an individual’s life change.

You are part of those lives changed through Christ with each donation of support to the Lebanon Rescue Mission.  You can also leave a lasting legacy by including the Lebanon Rescue Mission in your planned giving.

God is calling us to do more!  Needs in our community have stretched us to continue, expand and improve our programs for men and women with children.  We are excited by the opportunities the Lord has laid in front of us. 

You have the opportunity of making an enduring legacy of generosity and making your wishes known ahead of time.  Through the establishment of a Planned Giving program, our volunteer board of directors has provided a vehicle that will provide various opportunity to become an integral part of the future of the Lebanon Rescue Mission.

The Five Most Popular Types of Planned Gifts…

  1. Beneficiary designations – can include Retirement Plans, Insurance policies, Bank Accounts, and or Brokerage Accounts.
  2. Real Estate – Buildings, land or rights to land
  3. Bequests – a gift made through a will or living trust
  4. Blended gifts – a combination of an immediate gift and a planned gift.  For example, an immediate gift and Bequest, Gift of stock, Charitable trust, IRA charitable transfer or Beneficiary designation.
  5. Cash or memorial gift – one-time gift

Discussion and a cup of coffee…

Coffee CupWe would welcome the opportunity to visit with you and discuss your wishes and intentions.  NO hard sell, just conversation.  Please feel free to invite friends, family or trusted advisors to join us.  To discuss 273-2301 or


Lebanon Rescue Mission Program Photos