Hours may change based on provider availability.
We are always closed Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
Please call to confirm times and eligibility: (717) 273.2715.
Fax: (717) 273-5802
The Lebanon Free Clinic opened in March 2009 and provides primary health care to those living in Lebanon County who are uninsured. Our doctors, nurses, and support staff volunteer their time at the Lebanon Free Clinic because they believe everyone has a right to have health. We demonstrate the love of Christ through the provision of health care services which is funded by donations.
Make a Difference
Through the love and care of volunteers at the Lebanon Free Clinic and partnership with the Lebanon community, people without access to healthcare will find primary medical care, health education, diagnostic testing and treatment. More importantly, there will be people willing to listen. Often a caring person is all that is needed to change a life!
If you are inspired by the thought of helping your neighbors that are without healthcare access to get basic healthcare services, we invite you to make a difference by joining the team at the Lebanon Free Clinic.
No gift is too small. Plus, you’ll join many other volunteers and community members who are already experiencing the joy of helping others here at the Lebanon Free Clinic.
“Thank you to our Lebanon Free Clinic Advisory Committee members”
Dr. Anne Hayes
Dr. Tom Carmany
Linda Griffin
Diana Hromco
Tom Reiner
Margaret Brandt
Susan A. Blouch
Becky Miller
135 South 9th Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
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